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Its my Birthday!

Its my Birthday!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Its been a while since I have been on here and a lot has happend during that time...where to start? Well I guess I will start with the big news...Paul was recently hired at Bixby High School where he will be coaching football! Yay! Praise God...we have been praying about him getting a job at a 6A school for almost a year now! It is amazing how God keeps blessing us and working in our lives! My son also just turned 3...wow it does not seem like he should be 3 already! Time sure seems to fly by when you have kids! Kaydence is 5 and will be graduating from Pre-K on May 18th...her first graduation....awwww! I'm a little sad to see my little princess growing up!

So with the new job comes decisions on moving...where to move, what schools to put your kids in, buy or rent, house or apartment, blah blah blah! When did I sign up for this growing up business? LOL Ok, so I think we have decided that we would like to rent a place in Sapulpa and that Kaydence will go to Freedom Elementary! Now we are believing that God will provide us the perfect place to live...whether it is an apartment or a house. I have discovered that I dont really care which...I think they both have pros and cons so if I just leave it in Gods hands then I will be sure to get the best outcome.

Now on with more personal business...have you ever noticed people that put on a different "face" for whatever type of people they may be around? They have a "church face" a "going out face" a "work face" etc. I seem to notice this a lot lately...friends, coworkers, family, whoever...its just been jumping out at me lately for some reason. I dont know why because I used to just look for the good in everyone so that is what I saw but lately I have just noticed that people act one way around me and a different way around others...I just want to know WHY!!! Actually I do know why...

I believe that these people are lacking in their faith. I say this because I know that God and only God has the power to make you complete. When I say complete I mean that God fills up that space that you may be lacking in whether it is self-esteem, character, patience, loneliness, love, etc. He will fill that void! No void=you can be you. You dont have to try and change to what others want you to be or what you think they want you to be...you can just be who God made you!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
—Romans 15:13

Let the Lord dwell in those places that nothing and nobody can fill...HE can! Have FAITH!

22 So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
--Mark 11:22-24

I think you can see faith demonstrated the most in children...children have faith that their words can move mountains, make things what they are not, and heal things that are less fortunate...A while back after reading David and Goliath to my daughter she said, "mommy when I get big I want to be a giant." I asked her how she planned on doing that and she said, "I am going to ask God for his help...duh mommy!" I replied, "Kaydence that is a great plan!"

Through reading the story she saw that when David asked for Gods help and His blessing he received it so that was her plan to! My point is that we should all strive to have faith like a child...they make it so simple!