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Its my Birthday!

Its my Birthday!

Monday, March 23, 2009

My First blog...

Ok, so here we go! This is my first blog ever!

I have the most wonderful 4 year old ever...she says the funniest things! She puts things into a perspective that I would never dream of!

A while back, while we were driving home, she asked me, "Mommy how does God hear everything..." Of course my reponse was, "he just does honey..." So then she said, "well then how does He see everything..." Once again my reponse was the same. Her reply was, "well he must have really big ears and a really fast car..." I said, "well not exactly..." I went into further detail about how God can see and hear everything because he is omniscient (all knowing and all seeing basically) and she just looked at me and said, "oh ok." Well the next day my step-mom was watching her and asked her a rhetorical question (or what she thought was a rhetorical question) and Kaydence provided a response. At this time my step-mom proceeded to ask her how she knew that and once again Kaydence provided a repsonse..."because I am omniscient!" My step-mom almost fell out of her seat laughing!

Ok, so yes this story is pretty funny but I only told it to show my next point...

In the eyes of children God is magnificent, magical, and even a little mysterious. Children want nothing more than to please Him. This may be because they are a little scared of the not knowing what will happen if the don't but also because children are so innocent and generally want nothing more than to please their authority figures. As we get older and we realize that God is not going to strike us down with a lightening bolt we start venturing out into the wilderness of life, trying to make our own way with or without Him. Then one day you wake up and you realize how much more wonderful your life would be if you just included God in all of your decisions. He wants nothing more than to give you the greatest life imaginable so why is it so hard sometimes to just step back and let Him handle it. I have experienced this a lot lately...with Paul living half here and half in Texas...I have had to just sit back and let God take control...I am just along for the ride. I know that God will work in every descision that I make whether it is a good one or a bad one.

I challenge all who read this to take a second to examine your life...are you trying to remain in control or are you letting God have control?